

A deeper dive into perils of white papers, pseudo-technical articles

Inaccurate or incomplete claims in seemingly technical articles can spread damaging falsehoods for both the affected companies and the gear-manufacturing industry at large.


Beware Marketing Pieces Masquerading as Technical Content

White papers can be a useful source of new technology information, but sometimes caution should be exercised relative to claims made.


Expectations for a Chemically-Accelerated Super-finishing Process – Part 3/3

Expectations for a chemically accelerated superfinishing process When selecting your chemically accelerated superfinishing process, it is important to understand and […]

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Expectations for a Chemically-Accelerated Super-finishing Process – Part 2/3

In the previous article, we discussed the fact that chemically accelerated/assisted superfinishing, also known as isotropic superfinishing, was introduced into the gear industry more than twenty years ago. Since that time, it has become widely accepted as a solution for numerous gear failure modes and performance enhancements.

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What to Expect From Chemically Accelerated Superfinishing Process

Isotropic superfinishing is a customizable manufacturing operation whereby tens or hundreds of gears can be simultaneously processed in the same […]


An Overview of Correct Vibratory Bowl Set-Up

Step 2: Media Mass Planes of Motion Media has two planes of motion in the vibratory bowl. The first plane of […]


NASA SPINOFF – Some Engineering Is Only Skin Deep

So he contacted REM Surface Engineering of Southington, Connecticut. Founded by CEO Justin Michaud’s grandfather as a decorative plating supply […]


Isotropic Superfinishing for Gear Repair for Helicopters and Wind Turbines

Isotropic Superfinishing Isotropic superfinishing is a term that, in the broadest sense, describes any process that is achieves a “superfinish” […]


Scratching the Surface: How Surface Engineering Fills in the Gaps that AM Leaves Behind

Prior to 3D printing’s arrival on the manufacturing scene, the US military supply chain was often met with lengthy and arduous timelines for critical asset production. This not only stalled the manufacture and repair of essential equipment within the military supply chain, but it also impeded military readiness, and with high price tags to boot.


Advancing rocket propulsion through Additive Manufacturing, novel surface finishing technologies and public-private partnerships

Whilst Additive Manufacturing is undoubtedly having a huge impact on the design and manufacture of rocket propulsion systems, most notably combustion chambers and nozzles, the Achilles’ heel of all AM process is currently as-built surface finish.