REM ist der Technologieführer im Bereich der Oberflächenbearbeitung von Metallteilen. Als solcher verfügen wir über zahlreiche Fachartikel und Ressourcen zu den Themen Beschichtungs- und Oberflächentechnik sowie Feinbearbeitungslösungen. Die vollständigen Ausführungen dieser Ressourcen werden auf Anfrage in englischer Sprache zur Verfügung gestellt.
By: Lane Winkelmann, Brian King and Matt Bell, REM Chemicals Inc.
The most common failure mechanism of highly stressed case carburized gears is micropitting (gray staining). The standard FZG gear test (FVA Work Sheet 54) is generally used to determine the micropitting load capacity of gear lubricants. In recent years, FZG gear testing has also demonstrated its usefulness for evaluating the effect of superfinishing on increasing the micropitting load capacity of gears. Such studies, however, can only be afforded by major corporations or research consortiums whereby the data is typically kept confidential.
This paper presents the results of two detailed studies on the effect of superfinishing on FZG gear micropitting that were conducted at two leading European gear research centers: 1) Technical University of Munich using the FZG brief test of gray staining. 2) Ruhr University Bochum using FVA-Information-sheet 54/I-IV.
Both research groups concluded that superfinishing is one of the most powerful technologies for significantly increasing the load carrying capacity of gear flanks. This paper presents the results from the University of Munich. A later paper will present the results from Ruhr University Bochum.
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